query( "SELECT * FROM games WHERE url='".$db->escape( $_GET["sub"] )."' LIMIT 1" ); $r = $db->fetch(); $game_id = $r["id"]; $file_type = $r["file_type"]; define( "DOC_TITLE", $r["title"] ); define( "DOC_ADS", true ); global $random; srand(time()); $random = (rand()%3); //print("random number between 0 and 2 is: $random"); $referer = 0; $refer_array = split("\.",$_SERVER['HTTP_REFERER']); echo $referer_array[1]; if (($refer_array[1] == 'heavygames') || ($refer_array[1] == 'kickingames') || ($refer_array[1] == 'gameslinks')) { $referer = 1; } if ( $is_guest && ($referer != 1) && ($game_id != '303')) { //if ( $is_guest ) //{ if ( !isset( $_COOKIE["credits"] ) ) { setcookie( "credits", 5, time()+(24*3600*30), "/", str_replace( "www.", ".", $_SERVER["HTTP_HOST"] ) ); $_COOKIE["credits"] = 5; } if ( $_COOKIE["credits"] > 0 && $_COOKIE["credits"] <= $startup_credits ) { setcookie( "credits", $_COOKIE["credits"], time()-9999, "/", str_replace( "www.", ".", $_SERVER["HTTP_HOST"] ) ); setcookie( "credits", $_COOKIE["credits"] - 1, time()+(24*3600*30), "/", str_replace( "www.", ".", $_SERVER["HTTP_HOST"] ) ); $_COOKIE["credits"] -= 1; ?>

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query( "SELECT * FROM members WHERE id='158' LIMIT 1"); $user = $db->fetch(); } if ( $user["last_play"] < ( time() - 5 ) ) { $plays = $user["plays"] + 1; $plays_detailed = unserialize( $user["plays_detailed"] ); $plays_detailed[$r["id"]] = isset( $plays_detailed[$r["id"]] )? $plays_detailed[$r["id"]] + 1 : 1; $plays_detailed = $db->escape( serialize( $plays_detailed ) ); $db->query( "UPDATE members SET plays=$plays, plays_detailed='$plays_detailed',". " last_play=UNIX_TIMESTAMP(), last_game=".$r["id"]." WHERE id=".$user["id"]." LIMIT 1" ); $db->query( "SELECT * FROM members WHERE ( plays > ".$plays." ) OR ( plays = ".$plays." AND id <= ".$user["id"]." )" ); $rank = $db->countRows(); if ( $rank < $user["highest_rank"] ) $db->query( "UPDATE members SET highest_rank=$rank WHERE id=".$user["id"]." LIMIT 1" ); } ?>

1)) {?>

1)) {?>
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query( "UPDATE games SET plays=plays+1, today_plays=today_plays+1 WHERE id=".$r["id"] ); ?>

" width="50" height="50" style="border: 1px solid #000; float: left; margin: 0px 5px 5px 0px;" />

query( "SELECT * FROM members WHERE favourite=".$r["id"] ); $favourites = $db->countRows(); ?> This game has been played times, and is peoples' favourite game.

1)) {?>

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515 ) { $height = $dim[1] / ( $dim[0] / 515 ); $width = 515; } else { $width = $dim[0]; $height = $dim[1]; } ?> .dcr"> .dcr" width="100%" height="450" swStretchStyle="stage" type="application/x-director" pluginspage="http://www.macromedia.com/shockwave/download/">
.swf" /> .swf" quality="high" pluginspage="http://www.macromedia.com/go/getflashplayer" type="application/x-shockwave-flash" width="" height="">


if you liked this game, then you might like the following:

query( "SELECT * FROM games WHERE category=".$x["category"]." ORDER BY RAND() LIMIT 4" ); while ( $d = $db->fetch() ) { ?>
fetch(); print $r["id"]; ?>" alt="" width="50" height="50" style="border: 1px solid #000;" />
">" alt="" width="50" height="50" style="border: 1px solid #000;" /> " style="font-size: 11px; color: #4F8DAC; text-decoration: underline;">

fetch(); print $r["id"]; ?>" alt="" width="50" height="50" style="border: 1px solid #000;" />
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